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DSC_0256.jpg - These are the spring-loaded, swing-down, wardrobe hanger rods.  Clever, but will they still work when fully loaded?  We'll see...

 9 | These are the spring-loaded, swing-down, wardrobe hanger rods. Clever, but will they still work when fully loaded? We'll see... | DSC_0256.jpg | 10/8/12 3:26 PM | 1600x1071px | 569kB Download Original Image
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Camera: NIKON D80 | Date: 10/8/12 3:26 PM | ISO: 800 | Exp. Time: 1/60s | Aperture: 7.1 | Focal Length: 11.0mm (~16.8mm) | Copyright: 2012 CPDay
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